Law No. 2860 on Collection of Aid ("Law") regulates the persons and organizations authorized to collect aid and the purposes for which they may collect aid, and the Regulation on the Principles and Procedures of Collection of Aid ("Regulation") regulates the procedures and principles regarding the collection and supervision of aid.
Article 3 of the Law specifies who can collect aid. Accordingly; "Real persons, associations, institutions, foundations, sports clubs, newspapers and magazines may collect aid in accordance with the public interest, in order to realize their purposes, to provide assistance to needy people, and to perform or support one or more of the public services." and thus, persons and institutions authorized to collect aid are determined.
Article 6 of the Law regulates the obligation to obtain permission. Article 6 of the Law stipulates that "Individuals and organizations cannot collect aid without obtaining permission from the competent authority. However, the President shall determine and announce which of the associations, institutions and foundations working for public benefit may collect aid without permission." Article 6 of the Law stipulates that, as a rule, individuals and organizations cannot collect aid without permission. Only associations, institutions and foundations determined and announced by the President are authorized to collect aid without permission. All persons and organizations other than the associations, institutions and foundations designated and announced by the President must obtain the necessary permits in order to engage in aid collection activities. The Law also stipulates that persons who engage in aid collection activities without authorization will be prosecuted.
The procedures and principles regarding to which institution to apply for permission to collect aid are also specified in the Law and the Regulation. According to the Law, if the aid collection activities cover more than one district of a province, permission shall obtained from the governor of that province, and if the aid collection activity is limited with the borders of a district, permission shall obtained from the district governor of that district. However, if the aid collection activity covers more than one province, permission must be obtained from the governor of the province where the settlement of the real or legal persons who will engage in the aid collection activity is located. Persons and organizations to collect aid shall notify the authority authorized to grant permission with a petition.
There are certain information and documents required from real and legal persons who will engage in aid collection activities. Article 6 of the Regulation specifies the documents required from real and legal persons who will engage in aid collection activities. As a result of the applications made with the documents specified in Article 6 of the Regulation, the necessary permission can be obtained within 60 days.
The Law regulates unauthorized aid collection activities as misdemeanors. According to Article 29 of the Law, persons who collect aid without obtaining the necessary permission in violation of the provisions of the Law and the Regulation may be imposed an administrative fine between 16,561.00 Turkish Liras and 331,289.00 Turkish Liras as of 2023. However, if persons carry out unauthorized aid collection over the internet, they may be penalized with an administrative fine between 33,127.00 Turkish Liras and 662,581.00 Turkish Liras as of 2023.